Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where Can You Buycrutches For Halloween

Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science

During the period that sparked the cognitive sciences (cybernetics and at the same time), one can identify two different theoretical perspectives. The first was represented by
Von Neumann , and focused their interest on so-called systems heteronyms , that is determined from the outside, their characterization is obtained through relations of input and output, and they tend to create a representation of the environment. The second is represented by
Wiener, and his interest is directed to systems autonomous, that is determined from within, and these are characterized by organizational closure and the autocomportamenti , they also represent something existing in itself, but built, producing a world through a relationship with the environment.
What Varela points out, is that these two views are not in a logical opposition to each other, but rather are related according to a report of complementarity: we need both points of view for a complete knowledge of the system unit.
On this basis, Francisco Varela has tried to build a pluralist cognitive science, able to articulate the different perspectives available on the subject each other to investigate, also and primarily when these are based on theoretical frameworks irreducibly different. [...]
And 'This is one of the most profound messages that Francisco Varela has bequeathed to specialists in cognitive science: to maintain and articulate a plurality of diverse theoretical perspectives, because each of them, while producing zones 'shadow, it can illuminate the shadows generated by the other (1).
(1) M. Ceruti and L. Damiano, in M. Hood (ed.), Neurophenomenology , Bruno Mondadori, 2006, pp. 12-13.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cellular Respiration Fish

2 / 1

In the last decades of the 900 scientific study of the processes by which knowledge is significantly developed, giving rise to so-called cognitive sciences .
In the fifties, the prevailing theoretical model was the one that can be defined computationalism , which is based on identifying the human cognitive apparatus with a digital computer.
Today this perspective has not met the high expectations that had been created around it, and the idea of \u200b\u200ba computation based on centralized and sequential operations, is considered outdated.
the emerging East of cognitive science is not merely acknowledge the highly connected and distributed to all neural processes, but comes to reject explicitly the idea of \u200b\u200ba cognitive apparatus that works according to an input-output, stimulus-response. He rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bbackground information, and preset defaults with respect to their development, and the idea of \u200b\u200ba knowledge which, proceeding by symbolic calculations, prepares copies of the outside world. Above all, it rejects the image of an abstract knowledge, without emotional coloring, and essentially independent from the intentionality (1).
(1) M. Ceruti and L. Damiano, in M. Hood (ed.), Neurophenomenology , Addison 2006, p. 10.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Can You Use A Universal Remotre With A Projector

Being and thinking / 3

We think, and thought we wonder from where he originally thought.

activation of neurons, the complexity of emergency brain structure, matter which is expressed in being conscious: here lies the answer.

But what matter? Also appears in a thought, the circle is closed. It intends
insistent the question: Where does the thinking?
Among the high fir ...


What is the most ancient of what comes into our thinking is as old
from behind us, and yet awaits us.

That thinking turns
advent of what is past, and is thought rammemorante.

Being old means at the appropriate time to stop, where the
thought of a way of thinking in his complexion
is launched.

step back from the philosophy of being in
thought we dare, just
origin of thinking is both intimate
M. Heidegger, Among the high fir ... , in F. Cassinari Martin Heidegger - The thought poetante , Mimesis, 2000, p. 157.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why My Milk Tastes Soapy?

Being and thinking / 2

Thinking thinking. Think
the being of thinking.
think that there is no thought.
think that this is thought.

Just when you thought it closes on itself and the contours of the world begin to fade, there emerges a different notice, because it captures the quality of the items, but the fact that they exist. This awareness does not go unnoticed.
Among the high fir ...


Obtenebration The world does not equal never

the light of being.

We come too late for the gods and
too soon to be. To whom poetry began
is the man.

blended with a star ...

think is the restriction to a single
thought that once and for all as a star in the sky

the world remains fixed.
M. Heidegger, Among the high fir ... , in F. Cassinari Martin Heidegger - The thought poetante , Mimesis, 2000, p. 149.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Comment Lire Rosetta Stonersd

Being and thought /

Being is a concept, an idea which expresses itself in thought? For Heidegger is quite the opposite in some way before being thought. Being can not be reduced, reduced completely at the thought. If only because the thought is .

When we look at a book on a table and we think there is a book on the table, usually mean that the book is placed on the table and use be in the sense of be placed in a determined: the book is on the table, for example, and not on the shelf. However, the significance of
not be exhausted in being in a certain point in space or in the relationship between an object and other objects, in fact, relations are .

Being, therefore, precedes thinking, and also above the relationships between things. So when it takes be in the most original, it captures something that is regardless of the relations it has with other objects. The single object loses, then the contours by which we think of as separate from other objects, they lose their specific identity and is perceived as a whole , no longer separate from the rest of the world.
Being and thought

Being - a figment of thought?

event is always thinking of being

Learn above all to give thanks
and you think

Nothing is for nothing
everything is unique.
M. Heidegger, Being and thought , in F. Cassinari Martin Heidegger - The thought poetante , Mimesis, 2000, p. 71.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Using Vsepr Theory Predict Shape Of H2se

Reductionism 1 / 4

To highlight how the reduction is not appropriate for studying certain phenomena, consider the example of a hammer could be analyzed at the molecular level of the material comprising the handle or the head of the hammer, but do not add nothing compared to the properties of the hammer as such. Indeed, these properties are somewhat independent of the fact that the handle is made of wood or plastic.
When, at a higher level, there are properties that can not be explained by reductionist analysis, then we say that these properties emerge from the lower levels, or rather, they emerge from ' organization that is created between the the most elementary components of the system.
A typical reductionist objections against emergentism is that when there is an emergent event, it is not produced anything new. That claim, however, is only half true. On closer inspection, it is true that it is not produced anything new: a hammer is made of the same elements they are made of its isolated components, neck and head. Yet something new, in fact it is produced: the interaction between the neck and head. Neither the wooden handle by itself, nor the head of the hammer can do (effectively) the typical functions of the hammer. But when we combine them together. "Emerging" properties of the tool. It is this interaction generated anew the essential property of any system "emerged" from the molecular level to higher levels. The emergency occurs thanks to new relationships (interactions) established between components not previously connected. Indeed, one of the fundamental reasons which must be the failure of reductionism is the fact they failed to consider the importance of such connections (1).
(1) E. Mayr, The uniqueness of biology, Cambridge University Press 2005 (2004), p. 79.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Reductionism / 3

The extreme position of those who would reduce the study of biology to chemistry to physics and it does not seem sustainable, and this position can also be seen as a physicist Murray Gell-Mann:
forms of terrestrial life are the result of a large number of random events, each of which would have contributed to the remarkable regularity of terrestrial biochemistry, making them acquire, thus, a high effective complexity. [...]
The laws of biology depend on the laws of physics and chemistry, but also a great deal of additional information on how those events are determined accidental. Here, far more than in nuclear physics, condensed matter physics or chemistry, it is noted that there is a huge difference between the type of reduction to the fundamental physical laws that can, in principle, ordinary and type the word "reduction" might evoke in the minds of the naive reader. The study of living is much more complex of fundamental physics: in fact a very large number of the regularities of terrestrial organisms resulting from accidental events, as well as by the basic laws (1).
In other words, one can not trace the study of biology, and in particular of the biology of living, only a series of laws , because there is an element that makes an essential contribution to the development of biological organisms: the case . Due to the randomness is created history, understood as a series of events possible and not wholly attributable to a need, which becomes, in this context, an essential tool for scientific analysis. Consider, as an example of accidental cause, the disappearance of the dinosaurs and the consequences in the evolution, which it followed.
The presence of biological development in the case mean that certain information must be introduced at the same level that is being analyzed, because, by definition, the case is not reducible to causal explanations.

(1) M. Gell-Mann, The Quark and the Jaguar, Bollati Boringhieri 1996 (1994), pp. 140-141.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Where Can You Buycrutches For Halloween Costumes

Reductionism / 2

Another important distinction is that between analysis and reductionism .
The analytical method consists of dividing a system in its most elementary components, but will pursue this division operation only until you can actually get useful information. The analysis, in fact, is not convinced that knowledge of the smaller parts can provide all the answers:
[it] differs from the reduction because it says that the components of a system, proved analytically, provide full information on all properties of the system, since it (the analysis) does not provide an exhaustive description of the interactions established between the components of a system (1).
The analysis, therefore, leaves room to study the behavior of the system at different levels, highlighting how each level has unique characteristics that can not be explained by reference to the underlying layer.
For example, if you split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases , you can not explain his cash, and properties related with the same liquidity. In other words, you can not derive the hydrodynamic study of gas.

(1) E. Mayr, The uniqueness of biology, Cambridge University Press 2005 (2004), p. 74.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

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Reductionism / 1

The reductionism is an approach to scientific knowledge by which to explain a system must break them down into its constituent parts, then these elements will be further divided into elementary parts, and so on, until you get to the basic elements of reality.
In particular, according to a reductionist point of view applied to biology:
1. You can not understand any biological phenomenon of the higher level until it analyze the components present in the next lower level, this analytical breakdown should be continued for downlink to the level characterized by purely chemical and physical processes.
2. Such reasoning leads to further claims that the fact of knowing the components of the lower level allows us to reconstruct all higher levels, and provides a comprehensive knowledge of the higher levels. Such a reductionist claims arising from their conviction that every entity in the whole match nothing more than the sum of their parts (1).
opposes the reductionism approach Type holistic, taking into account the interactions among the parts of a system, showing how a complex system properties emerge that are characteristic of the level of description that is considered, and which are not reducible to lower-level items.

(1) E. Mayr, The uniqueness of biology, Cambridge University Press 2005 (2004), p. 74.

Monday, February 26, 2007

My Drivers License Is Clipped Can I Fly

Follow the rules / 5

might seem, then, that any rule can be interpreted in an arbitrary manner, and thus, ultimately, did not even make sense to speak of rules.
But in reality, when we follow a rule, we do so according to the habits that we have already acquired basic training in In the past we have received:
When I follow the rule do not choose.
I follow the rule blindly (1).
You could say, therefore, that there is no space for individual will, but at the same time we can not think that there is a true interpretation , genuine rule of always already has its way . Rather, it is as if the rules are missing rationale, rational, and derive their sense from the outside
"But as a rule can teach me what I should do in this point? Whatever I do, can always be made compatible with the rule by some interpretation. "- No, you should not say that. We should instead say: Each interpretation is suspended in the air together with the interpretation, one can not serve as support for this. The interpretations, alone do not determine the meaning (2).
(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 219, p. 114.
(2) L. Wittgenstein, Searches philosophical Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 198, p. 107.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mobile Phone Jammer Legal In Australia??

Follow the rules / 4

follow a rule, therefore, is not something that can be communicated only through descriptions. Since the descriptions should be interpreted, as well as the interpretations are, in turn, interpreted.
For this, follow a rule is a practice, and to learn how to follow a rule is needed to training.
During this training will show equal lengths, equal shapes, colors equals: and he will in turn find them and play them, and so on. The start, for example, to continue 'equally' a pattern, when it receives a certain order. - And to continue progressions, for example to continue. .. ..., Like this: .... ..... ...... The
how do you do, and he does as I do, and affect him with expressions consensus, rejection, expectation, encouragement. I let it do, or detain him, and so on.
Imagine being witness to a kind of training. No words would be defined by itself, does not it would fall under any logical circle.
During this training would also explain the terms "and so on" and "and so on ad infinitum." To do so could be used, among other things, a gesture. The gesture that means "keep going!" and "so on" has a similar function to an object or a place of the unspeakable (1).
From this point of view, the learning of theoretical content is a form of apprenticeship .
why we still need teachers.

(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 208, pp. 110-111.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lobster Fishing Boat Design

Follow the rules / 3

Faced with a rule, generally we have the conviction that there is a correct interpretation that will explain how to follow the rule.
But there is a correct interpretation? And above all: what is it?

When we are faced with a sign with an arrow pointing forward that we continue to teach us. Suppose, however, that a person who comes when he sees the sign back, because he believes that sign to indicate exactly what you're doing. Then we will explain the significance of the cartel, in fact , is to go forward. But the other says that he is exactly going forward, he understood in this way going forward.
We could try to explain further, but could still not understand, until we decide to show an action to our party what it means for us to follow the cartel.

Or think to ask a mathematician to complete the following sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
The mathematician, unexpectedly, complete with the numbers 5:48, 8.4, 14.2, ... We do not
We disagree, arguing that the proper continuation is obviously 5, 6, 7, ..., but the math says that its completion is given by a sequence derived from the simplest polynomial which can be derived also first part of the succession.
In short, if P (x) = x 4 / 50-x 3 / 5 + 2 x 7 / 10 +12 / 25, then we have that P (1) = 1, P (2 ) = 2, P (3) = 3, P (4) = 4, P (5) = 5:48, P (6) = 8.4, P (7) = 14.2, ...

be within the meanings we fail to highlight what is the correct interpretation.
Our paradox was this: a rule can not determine any way to act, since any mode of action may be brought in agreement with the rule. The answer was: If it can be made an agreement with the rule may also be put at odds with it. Here there are therefore no contradiction or agreement (1).
But what we wanted to prove with this talk? That any rule can be interpreted in an arbitrary manner?
The aim, rather, is to show that there is an unbridgeable gap between interpretation of a rule and mode of action.
If, then, we are convinced that a rule must be followed in a very specific way, where does that course of action? Surely not interpretation, but from a training .

(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 201, p. 108.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Were Can I Watch South Park On My Ipod Online

Follow the rules / 2

What is the relationship between the expression of a rule and follow the rule?

Suppose you are in a foreign country and meet the following unknown symbol: x & 2. We note, at a local, but whatever explanation seems incomprehensible.
Then the local resident writes a series of equalities: 1 & 2 = 2, 2 & 2 = 4, 3 & 2 = 6, 4 & 2 = 8, 5 & 2 = 10, ... and we seem to have understood: "X & 2" means x multiply by 2. However
certainty that we have understood the rule associated with the symbol? The rule covers a multitude of cases, while we can control only a finite number.

So depending on what we learn to follow a rule? Any explanation must always be interpreted and leads to a further interpretation. Each set of examples is insufficient because it is necessarily finite, while the rule is an infinite number of cases.
Perhaps, then, we learn to follow a rule because we trained to do so in this sense "'follow the rule' is a practice. And believe to follow the rule does not follow the rule."
Let me ask: What has to share the expression of the rule - say a road - with my actions? What kind of connection exists between the two? - Well, maybe this: I was trained to react in a certain way to this sign, and now I react like that.
But this way you only have shown a causal link, you just explained why we are now set according to the directions of a traffic signal, not in what sense, exactly, this will follow a signal. No, I also pointed out that one rule according to the instructions of a traffic signal just as there is a stable use, habit "(1).
(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 198, p. 107.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

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Follow the rules / 1

What does it mean to follow a rule?
Suppose that we are in a foreign country, and to see a road sign with an arrow pointing forward. How to interpret this sign? We would be inclined to follow the arrow, but there is no doubt that the sign that goes interpreted differently.
We ask, then, a local resident passing nearby to be interpreted as a sign, and he tells us that we need to go straight. Reassured by the explanation we put in motion following the arrow, when the person who has just given explanations begins to cry making us understand that we were wrong, that you can not go in that direction.

We asked the ' correct interpretation of the cartel, but we understood? Perhaps we also need the interpretation of Interpretation: what he meant straight there?

What is needed to correctly follow a rule? It seems that an interpretation is not enough, nor the interpretation of interpretation, as it could go on forever.
A rule stands there like a signpost. - Leaves no room for doubt about the road I take? It tells me which way I do when I went through? If I continue on the road, or to predict the path, or go through the fields? But where is it written in which direction should I follow that signal? If I have to go in the direction indicated by the finger or rather (for example). In the opposite direction? (1)
(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 85, p. 56.