might seem, then, that any rule can be interpreted in an arbitrary manner, and thus, ultimately, did not even make sense to speak of rules.
But in reality, when we follow a rule, we do so according to the habits that we have already acquired basic training in In the past we have received:
When I follow the rule do not choose.You could say, therefore, that there is no space for individual will, but at the same time we can not think that there is a true interpretation , genuine rule of always already has its way . Rather, it is as if the rules are missing rationale, rational, and derive their sense from the outside
I follow the rule blindly (1).
"But as a rule can teach me what I should do in this point? Whatever I do, can always be made compatible with the rule by some interpretation. "- No, you should not say that. We should instead say: Each interpretation is suspended in the air together with the interpretation, one can not serve as support for this. The interpretations, alone do not determine the meaning (2).(1) L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations , Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 219, p. 114.
(2) L. Wittgenstein, Searches philosophical Einaudi 1983 (1953), § 198, p. 107.