Sometimes I break a vase. To take against accidentally to see him swing and a second after it shattered before my eyes. I remain motionless, amazed, incredulos. I watch a thousand pieces. I'm sorry as hell .. if it were mine I would not be here to tell this story .. the vessel was a "friend" at his house. And I broke. A jar of Louis 16. A vase with insurance. Expired. A vase with a guarantee. A jar of a villa of the Brenta. A vase made in an auction in history. A vase rare, unique. Well .. I broke a vase Mr., not even worthy of the Etruscan Museum of Adria was kept at home because of my "friend." A vase from 1280 € plus VAT. But I would be the c

The vessel is refractory clay slipped (?) Estimated value of € 100.
Listening to "A friend is" nonricordodichisia