MAYOR FOR 2011 THAT I WOULD LIKE TO PLACE THE mayoress THAT DOES NOT EXIST' The "mismanagement" of boiled mayoress knows no boundaries. The city is in disarray, and not just his fault. She is the latest in a series of mayors adverse consequences of which lead him all the Genoese, except forget the vote. More than a "syndrome Stockholm ", we must begin to speak of" syndrome of Genoa. "
Just think of the amateurish and difficult management of mobility in towns, which went from the ridiculous Merella, which made us mock at the national level, the current management incompetence Pissarello & Associates. The commissioner Arcangelo, ousted a long time - it just remembered that when he decided to present an election more or less taken the votes of their family members or even all - it was recently allowed to criticize the current came from the columns of a well-known newspaper (of the series when I was there, Genoa, yes, that ...). For those had a short memory, picking flowers from flower Merella is the one that - talking about the remake of the slab above the Bisagno, at the mouth - he said proudly: 24 months we have to ask sacrifices of the Genoese. It was the fall of 2004 ...
Today, with the AMT in internal and external difficulties and faults equally distributed among many actors, with a city that takes off and does not work, the only concern is to put the muzzle to those who are holders of dissent. In true Soviet style. Have you ever tried to contradict it, the Cruella De Vil of Tursi?
The latest example of a few weeks ago. The Facebook group "We send Marta Vincenzi at home, organized a brilliant event information: Tursi bombard the server with an email dissatisfied citizens based on a shared text, which expressed the shame of being represented by Maga Magò Valpolcevera. It was sent at least a thousand, not a little something from nothing. The promoter, Maurizio Gregorini, brilliant and strong-willed man of culture, was contacted by the PS because it is officially assume the authorship of the gesture. Stop. No other response. Neither the local press, which has passed over in silence the initiative, nor Broadcasting. Nor, still less, with reactions of the person concerned. What offends you, you killer, darkens. But not responding. Why has no arguments - his limitations of character, political and administrative are well known by now - and why not consider the parties to it.
Sometimes I wonder that the mayor would like, tomorrow? One that meets and talks with everyone. One who tries to solve problems, even going through. One who is not defending his actions and to draw attention to its employees, even when it is indefensible. One that takes these three and a half years of jellyfish Tursi and do the opposite. Do something wrong, but the probability would be better than those who preceded it, as one who - as mayor - to launch the coin in every decision: would have at least a 50% chance of success. Compared with the zero of the current junta, would be a great step forward.