QUESTION OF GAZE. "The signs often mean ever .." There are looks that are crossed by chance, fleeting glances, stolen moments and instantaneous. Looking to seduce, to observe, get lost in a game of
looks like a scene in slow motion, say something without speaking, or looks that excite us hurt, looks of understanding between two people. Winks of the eye or "only" accomplices, fascinating and mysterious. Eyes that we can not fix, others in which we lose and we would always get lost, eyes that shun out of fear, frightening or reassuring, eyes that know how to smile and eyes that do not stop crying, eyes that tell us we make it without us account and that reveal something about us that we would remain ours alone .. one look is worth a thousand words, if it is a cliché there is a reason ..
Listening to "I wish I would not .. .. But if you want" Lucio Battisti
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