Dear Friends of the motorway, after a period of silence resumed regular activities of this blog, which - true to the ideas which saw the debut two years ago - promises to be our and your virtual square. The toll from whom to pass the trains of our ideas.
It starts from where we left off for the summer break: the Monte Moro. A fearless group of enthusiasts is trying to recover the vitality of this green hill east of Genoa, in disregard of the political forces and authorities in Genoa, who deny - it happened! - That there are bulky waste on the mountain, although there are photographic evidence to the contrary.
Saturday, October 9, the Association of Friends of the Monte Moro organizes a chestnut from 16.00 onwards that will enable adults and children to breathe clean air close to the center of Genoa, with an enviable view of the Portofino (if time will allow, otherwise there is a "plan B" indoor) and a glass of red wine to warm the heart.
The appointment is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former restaurant, in Lanfranco, while at the same time friends of the Equestrian Center Monte Moro entertain young and old in the stables with their beautiful horses.
During the afternoon will be presented to those who are not familiar with the novel "The toll hidden among the trees," the present author and publisher, with the introduction of a special guest: his friend Enzo Melillo, renowned journalist, writing under the Rai of Genoa.
The staff at the exit waiting for you.
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