Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mongoose Bowling Glove


For some 'time to head linesman whale image: Italy is united by beauty. It is not an abstraction: the beauty is in all things which we have already spoken (language, art, culture), and many others that still have to talk.
Italy is united by the beauty and the many makers of it. The champions, in fact. Many, in every field. And today is our tribute to two characters whom few know, and few are mentioned: Pellegrino Artusi and Luigi Veronelli. For Italy, united in beauty, it is even more to the table.
Yeah, eat and drink. And do it well. Is not art, and pleasure, and will turn into joy and a necessity of life?
Thus a few years after the unification of administrative Pellegrino Artusi, Forlimpopoli of Romagna, had a brilliant intuition: clearly established the large and varied class cuisine of the newborn country (but of the millennium the nation), because it does not lead to system, this archipelago of variety and richness of food each city knows how to propose?
Thus was born "The science of cooking and the art of eating well," the real Bible of the great Italian cooking, destined to become in a few decades (reprint in print, was in the library for about a century) point reference of the culinary world, supplanting without remission - laugh who says the opposite - the much less articulate, funny and rich French cuisine.
Pellegrino Artusi's work, which deserves statues everywhere along the peninsula, had the effect of the move even more national culinary consciousness: were dozens and dozens of homemade Italian who immediately took up the invitation of genius Romagna , sending recipes, tips, variations on the theme, and contributing to building national encyclopedia of eating well we are all debtors.
With a solid culinary heritage after the war - among many other reconstructions - Another great man began an initially lonely battle to bring the drink to the level of eating, with particular attention to the latter, because - the argument was - the two things that can not be together. This man was Luigi Veronelli.
pen of the most stunning views in the last century, tongue biting and eclectic culture, the great critic Lombard coined new words and metaphors are able to enter the newspaper: it was the first to speak of "fields enoic" talking about Italy, and is he was responsible for the worldwide explosion of wine in our house, from tavern to drink d'art masterpiece.
Insisting on the quality and specificity (at a time when some sort of Socialism declined in enology claimed they came to a single "national wine, red and white stuff to spark a revolution), and had earned great merit : to "force" the growers to work well, just to start, and then to make discerning consumers, and even to mark the differences and make a color film in black and white, making everyone understand that every places of our country knows how to express character or quality, if developed properly.
Great Wines of the South are gradually joined by the great Doc North and the Centre, ancient vines were rediscovered, others reported at the top, and others - worked with a conscience - were transformed from frogs to princes. All with strong ties to the local cuisine, and after a pilgrimage to the cellar in the basement to understand, discover, comment, encourage. He must also be important legislative initiatives in the field, although not all of his insights have been incorporated. He is also responsible for the boom of enology and application with which so many followers today are dedicated to wine with passion and wealth, understood as - he said it just Veronelli - "Song of the Earth to Heaven," as well as him it must be one of the best definitions of "home" we do this in our sesquicentennial, "what you know and understand." Who speaks your language. What has your own story. Like Italian food and wine.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Alexas Texis Vs Black


Culture is the element that held together the Italian nation over the millennia, even when the unitary state was still far from being conceived. A cutting-edge culture, with very marked traits and effects of unquestionable quality and absolute: no work has ever come close to the "Divine Comedy", no matches contemporary novel "The Betrothed", no picture is more famous of the Mona Lisa " and then say "statue" and think of Michelangelo, "opera" and that's Verdi, and we stop here.
universal art and original synthesis of the world - always - overlooking the sea and we look to us even through the keyhole. Just think of the envy of the French snooty, or the one from "always around" the Spaniards.
If a defect has the Italian people (and, unfortunately, has many), what is the xenophilia. You go to Madrid and visit the Prado Museum in Paris is a must stop at the Louvre, but the small or large museum of our town or country do not even know exactly where he is, or what they expose.
There is widespread hear about Italy as a "museum", or even a single large open-air museum. All true. Art, is one of the big names or those of rivals or humble, to be savored slowly, is a form of care for the person who hires.
Maybe in small doses - the visual arts, but also cinema, theater, music, sometimes have the unfair reputation of healthy carriers of boredom - but let's get this care. It 's a great antidote to boredom true, managerizzazione of our lives, the prevailing rudeness.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Candy Cane Centrepeice


One aspect not to be overlooked in the history of the Italian nation is of the Christian religion. It 's a paradox, if we want: there is no "Italian" without spirituality and Christian culture, but was born without unify Italy, and in many ways "against" the Catholicism of the time.
E 'this argument is frequently used by the secularist anti-Christian superstition is prevalent today: the Catholics were unrelated to the location unit, not getting involved and indeed often make it difficult.
There is some truth: the Church's temporal power, now that time is running low, he chose not to get involved, thwarting the hopes of those who (as Rosmini and Gioberti) believed in driving role of the Church in the process of unification.
was a grave sin, because the breath unit was left in a monopoly on a minority (the liberal / anti-clerical), the Enlightenment in the worst sense of the term and burdened by a strong contrast to mortgage pagan and Masonic. It bears the consequences today.
Yet the Christian presence in Italy and in Europe is organic development and culture for two millennia. The reference figures are many and that can not be cited without all wrong, but just wondering what would the world be without the reconstruction work begun by St. Benedict, without a return to spirituality the little things of St. Francis of Assisi, without attention to the youth of St. Joseph Calasanz or St. John Bosco, without the care of the weakest of San Camillo de 'Lellis, or the more recent Blessed Don Luigi Orione, Don Giuseppe Cottolengo or Don Carlo Gnocchi.
Today, as then the Christian presence in Italian society is well established, and not so much on the political (even if that season is now past today mourned by many), but socially and ethically. Without, it would be one huge party radical, all rights and permissions: the Wild West.